Remote assistance
Home office

Secure home office

The modern workplace

Since the corona crisis, many people can relate to it: working from home. Nowadays, working in the office is becoming popular again, yet working from home is something that takes place in a hybrid form.

This means that the home workplace must be professionally and securely set up. The home workplace will have to be IT-proof. More software will be used for working from home, and home IT help will also become commonplace. It is an important task for Infodatek Group. We are happy to help you set up home workstations securely. A secure home workplace is a perfect match for our total solution Digital Care.

Learn more about Digital Care.


Service IT for home based work

What are the key pillars on which an IT infrastructure for working from home should be based? We list them for you:

Cyber security

Cyber security for workers from home: If your company network is not properly secured, it can irrevocably lead to problems.

Adequate data security is therefore a prerequisite. However, you are not finished when you have the cyber security within your office premises in order. After all, does this also apply to home workers? How securely do they work? How do you keep them from downloading malware, visiting only secure websites and falling for devious phishing emails? Studies show that as more people work from home, staff with their own home office are also increasingly targeted by cybercriminals.

Training and awareness

Working safely at home? That means that your people must also have the right knowledge of working safely, not only in the office, but also at home. Through targeted advice and training, home workers can learn how to prevent a cyber-attack and recognize, for example, a fake email. Artificial intelligence is making it increasingly important to distinguish between real and not real.

Software control working from home

It is important that the software that your homeworkers use be monitored regularly. This is quite possible through remote monitoring. This way you can be sure that the software is functioning properly and is still secure. In addition, you can fix (remotely) any problems and perform updates where necessary.

Workspace in the cloud

Employees work remotely on the same project, they need access to the same documents. For this, a good, secure workplace in the cloud and software such as Microsoft 365, for example, is essential. Its security must also be optimally configured.


A good VPN connection guarantees data encryption. This is indispensable for secure communication between your employees working from home and the data center where the data is stationed.

Work at home responsibly Security and flexibility

So is your organization also increasingly opting for home workstations? Then we can help you perfect your IT infrastructure using our IT managed services and commonly used tools.

We help you make it as easy as possible for your people to work from home. We look for the right balance between security and flexibility.

CONTACT Working from home with you a trend but you'd like it secure?
