Remote assistance

Training and

Appropriate IT training

Besides offering our various IT services and services, we also find it important to share our knowledge and experience. We like to do that with you and your colleagues.

Are there IT topics your team would like to learn more about, or where there is a demand for a refresher of current knowledge? Then we would be happy to help!

All trainings can be given in both Dutch and English.


Trainings and Workshops Our IT training courses

We offer various IT training courses and workshops, personalized to your needs. In this way, the training courses are maximized and the knowledge gained can be immediately applied in practice.
Is your desired course or training not listed or do you have specific questions? Please contact us.

Training Security Awareness

Cyber Security is more important than ever!

Cybercrime is a common problem. You better make sure your company has good security software and the right knowledge. A data breach or falling victim to ransomware is the last thing you want.

During the training we look at whether your organization is well protected against cyber criminals. But that's not all, we discuss with your staff the dangers in the field of cyber crime and how they can deal with this in the right way.

Awareness is the key word. As an organization, you can't always technically cover 100% of everything, but you can make sure your people understand how it works!


An intensive but fun training, spread out over several sessions. With a maximum number of people per session.

Training The new way of working: Microsoft 365

How do you get the most out of your Microsoft 365 environment? We'd love to explain that to you during this training.

Microsoft 365 offers various services and applications, such as the well-known Word and PowerPoint. But Microsoft is also available online, this way you can always work on your files no matter where you are.

We will share everything about this and more handy tips on working with Microsoft 365 during the training course.


Depending on the modules chosen, this training will be spread out over several sessions with a maximum number of people.

Training Microsoft 365 Digging Deeper

Do you use Office 365 modules intensively, such as SharePoint, Excel, Outlook or Power Apps, for example? Make sure your users can make optimal use of the software and also know the less obvious issues. The training will also be tailored to the needs within your organization. Contact us to discuss the topics within each training.


Digging Deeper are intensive and also interactive training sessions that focus on the user in addition to the training itself. Exercises must be performed and can be tested. With a maximum number of people per session.

Within the training we can also use different levels, with one group focusing more on the use of an application and another group focusing more on management.

Training op maat

We often provide customized training. This means that we tailor the trainings to the client's needs or IT systems.

We work with you to see where the challenges and opportunities are within your company's IT infrastructure.

Based on these findings, we create a training that addresses these issues and ensures that improvements can be implemented.

Also interested in a customized training? Then get in touch with us!

for and by it people Technical training courses

Want to make sure your IT team stays up-to-date? We provide various training courses and workshops on IT and network management where the latest developments in the industry are included. These technical training courses are ideal for larger organizations with their own IT department.

At these trainings and workshops, we provide you with relevant and useful information tailored to your company and the industry in which you operate. During the trainings and workshops there is also ample opportunity for questions or advice.

Contact Interested in one of our trainings or looking for a way to guide you?
