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Cloud platform

Cloud platform

Up in the clouds

Once upon a time, being "in the cloud" simply meant being very happy. Nowadays, more and more people are literally in the cloud, thanks to the "cloud" that has permanently established itself over the IT landscape. Cloud computing has become a household word, and more and more companies are using a cloud platform because of the many benefits it offers.

However, it is important to remember that the cloud is not right for every organization or application.

Outsource Popularity of cloud computing

The cloud has revolutionized business. Countless organizations, both large and small, have moved all or part of their IT infrastructure to the cloud.

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), more than half of all companies in the Netherlands were already using a cloud service in 2018. The cloud has therefore become an indispensable part of modern business operations.

Companies mainly choose cloud services because of the flexibility, cost savings, outsourcing and scalability that these services offer.


Something for everyone Cloud models

What are the characteristics of various cloud models for businesses? When making your choice of cloud, it is important to know and recognize what models are in the market.

Public cloud

If you choose the public cloud, then your entire IT infrastructure is housed in the cloud. You use a Microsoft cloud solution like Azure or providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform.

This form of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers the advantage of being fully scalable and saving you costs because you don't have to invest in data center equipment yourself. The downside is that you have much less control over how your data is secured.

Private cloud

With a private cloud, you choose a cloud service that is intended for exclusive use. Only your organization has access to the data and software. You can also keep the management of this private cloud entirely in your own hands or outsource it to a reliable third party.

The advantage of a private cloud manifests itself mainly in security. You have complete control here. Incidentally, that also brings with it a good deal of responsibility. In other words, the private cloud is very suitable for storing sensitive data. The disadvantage is that you cannot scale up as easily and you have to spend more money on the equipment you have to buy.

Hybrid cloud

The third option, a hybrid cloud offers the most flexibility. You combine the benefits of private and public cloud. You decide what you do and do not put in the private cloud. Moreover, you take full advantage of the existing architecture in the data centers.

Our ANYBASE solution is a flexible hybrid cloud environment.

Click here to learn more about ANYBASE.

Flexible cloud platform ANYBASE hybrid cloud solution

When your organization moves to the cloud, it also raises questions. For example, where is your business critical information stored and is it properly secured? Does it meet the ISO standard?

Does your company need a flexible cloud platform, set up in the way that is best for your organization?

ANYBASE is the answer. The different modules within ANYBASE can be used precisely to meet your needs. We guarantee you the agreed performance, availability and daily management. You pay according to usage, in the form of a subscription. If you want to scale up, that's easy to arrange. But if you want to scale down, that's possible too!


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